Do you know what is great about four year olds? Well, lots of things. But I especially love that they are always on your side.
Four years olds have got your back no matter what and I love them for this alone.
Eight year olds can be your best friend one minute and anything but your friend the next.
Babies are always on your side but in an entirely different way!
Those precious little four year olds are looking out for you and looking after you.
They wipe tears when they fall, they help out, they give and give and give. Be it their unconditional love, their laughter or their four year old wisdom.
If I could freeze my Son right now I think I would. But I can’t, so I am just going to soak up the small amount of time that I have left to enjoy my precious little four year old.
White Chocolate Fudge
- 1 1/2 cup macadamias
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil, soft
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 3 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- Place the macadamias into your processor and blend until it starts to form a smooth paste. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until the mixture is smooth and well combined. Pour the mixture into a silicon loaf tin and place it into the freezer to set and to store.
- Once set, slice, serve, eat and enjoy.