Home The RecipesBreakfast & Breads Vanilla and Chocolate Custard

Vanilla and Chocolate Custard


I love the idea of being one of those fabulously glowing pregnant women who run everyday of their pregnancy, gain 12 kilos, and spend the 9 months feeling better than ever. You know the ones you see, most likely on their way to the gym, fitting comfortably into their everyday yoga pants and simply going up a size, just for a bit of extra length, in the top.

I assure you I am not this lady!

Before any tests reveal my pregnancy extreme insomnia begins and it hangs around for a very long time…..Typically 2 – 3 years! 

By 6 weeks gestation I am very uncomfortable in my regular clothes, actually I think I start blowing up like a balloon from the minute of conception. It isn’t just my body that goes through instant changes, my face breaks out like a pubescent teenager. 

I make it to around the 5 to 6 week mark with a bearable level of nausea, then BAM, sickness in full flight strikes and I am on the couch for months. I spend this time moaning, attempting to sleep, then when I do sleep attempting to wake up, accomplishing nothing at all, experiencing crazy moods and trying my very best to be optimistic and focus on the precious little being growing inside. 

I would love to say that during the first trimester I crave quality protein and green leafy vegetables but that would be a very big lie! I eat whatever it is that doesn’t make me feel worse than I already do. Mostly I live off sweet potato’s and medjool dates. 

By 10 weeks I add a fritatta. 

Early on in the second trimester I drag myself off the couch. I feel a bit better. Each week is  brighter. I find myself sleeping for at least three hours at a time and sometimes more. I am still completely exhausted and heading to bed at 8pm but the need to rest in the day has stopped, thank goodness, day sleeping is not for me. I recognise myself again, ok, well, not my ever changing body but I return, my personality goes back to one that I am familiar with.

I still have limited energy, which isn’t such a problem as exercise and pregnancy do not mix well for me. My diet is back on track. Leafy greens are again on the menu! As for the weight thing, I do not even look at those charts. There is no doubt that I am a big pregnant person and that I show very early on, this has been the case with all of my babies. My Mum and Aunties assure me that it is in our genes so I will blame my DNA and not my obsessive love of hulled tahini every time someone says, ‘you look like you should of had that child yesterday’ or ‘are you only that far along, I thought you were much further.”

But despite all of this; despite wearing maternity clothes before we have announced our news. Despite spending a great deal of my time lying around. Despite battling strange and undesirable symptoms. Despite my worrying mind, I sure do love this pregnancy game and I am thankful that I have had the chance to play it one more time. 

Stay safe my little one. Xx

All of my family and all of my friends love, love, love this simple recipe. I hope your crew feels the same. Be sure to let me know.

 Vanilla and Chocolate Custard

1 cup full fat coconut milk

2 medjool dates, seeds removed, roughly chopped

1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla extract

pinch of salt

1 tablespoon cacao or cocoa (optional, only required for the chocolate version)

1 ripe banana, sliced to serve (optional, it is delicious on it’s own)

Place the ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to a gentle boil. Reduce to low, cover and simmer for 20 – 30 minutes or until the dates have broken down and the mixture is smooth (the cooking time will depend on the size of your chopped date pieces). Stir occasionally. Allow to cool slightly. Serve with the sliced bananas. Eat and enjoy!!

custard choc 900


custard vanilla 900

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