If you could see yourself through my eyes you would know that you’ve got this. That you’re doing exceptionally well. That you’re streets ahead.
If you could see yourself through my eyes you would be proud of the person you are. You would see courage and strength and a groundedness that I envy.
You would see a man with high morals. A man who puts others before himself. A man who is loyal and dedicated and loving. A man who believes in what’s right and not in what’s easy.
You would see a man who teaches his children everyday, who guides them and shapes them into the amazing beings that they are. You would see a man who can set boundaries and can juggle the role of both parent and friend.
You would see a man who unconditionally loves a lady who long considered herself unlovable. A lady who has been broken. A lady who can’t give him all that he gives to her. A lady that admires him above any other.
You would also see a man who is exasperated, exhausted and maybe a little scared and maybe a little unsure. But given our current load and the path we are trekking I would expect nothing less.
So next time you doubt yourself, take a look through my eyes.
Shake And Make Chocolate Peanut Butter Mousse
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter
- 2 tablespoons cacao or cocoa
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- Place the ingredients into a mason jar in the order listed above. Give it a quick stir and pop on the lid. Shake somewhat vigorously at first and then give it a quick shake every couple of minutes for five or so minutes. Place in the fridge for several hours or overnight.
- Serve. Eat. Enjoy.
note – we topped ours with dark chocolate, crushed peanuts and maple syrup.