Home The RecipesBreakfast & Breads Savoury Muffins

Savoury Muffins

savoury muffins
There is, some days, a magical moment when your little people wake from their day sleeps. You pick them up from their cot and they lie across your chest, their minds still residing in the place between reality and dreams. Their sweet, personalised scent fills the air, takes you back to the tiny baby they once were. As you gaze down on them you are overcome by the beauty before you. It is like nothing you have ever seen. You cannot imagine how anything can look so perfect, there is nothing you would change.
The moment is fleeting, but you are sure it is one you will never forget and that in years to come you will crave it.
Of course there are other days when your little one wakes with cries and sobs and you are oblivious as to what has caused such distress. The days when you put a happy little toddler down for a nap and hours later you have one very unhappy little being. These days are not quite as memorable.
Today I held my sleepy son, I was overcome with gratitude, with love and memories. I had only minutes in this space before the day rolled on into the usual noise and mayhem of family life, but I had those minutes and I do not want to let them go.

Savoury Muffins

2/3 cup sun dried tomatoes

1/3 cup pitted kalamatta olives

1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted

1 teaspoon bicarb soda

6 eggs

2 tablespoons macadamia oil or melted coconut oil or melted butter

1 teaspoon oregano

juice half a lemon

Preheat your oven to 175 degrees Celsius or 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Grease 8 muffin holes

Place the sundried tomatoes, olives and flour into your blender or food processor and quickly pulse to roughly chop the tomatoes and olives. Gently mix in the remaining ingredients. Spoon the mixture into your prepared muffin tray. You can fill these quite high as the mixture does not rise. Bake for 25 minutes and enjoy!

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