For the times I didn’t stop and listen to your story, I’m sorry.
For the towers I never built and games I never played, I’m sorry.
For the mornings when I snapped, I’m sorry.
For the answers I don’t have, for the pains I can’t prevent, I’m sorry.
Throughout your life there will be so much that I will do wrong, that I will regret, that I will be sorry for.
There will be so many nights when I go to bed wishing I had done things a little differently.
But there will also be nights when I go to bed with the sound of your laugh still ringing in my ears, the kiss of your lips still warm on my face and with love in my heart that fills my body and pours out my eyes.
There will be nights when I feel like the luckiest person alive because I’ve never missed a moment.
Nights when I am so thankful that it was me who got to hold you every time you cried, who wiped your first tear and who heard your first word.
It was me who got to hold your hand as you took your first steps. It was me who walked you to the school gate and who held off that moment as long as I could. It was me who shed tears with you as you had your needles and blood tests. It was me who never wanted to let you go and who wanted you beside me every day, so that I could watch you grow and learn and do every little amazing thing that you do.
It was me who was in awe of you.
It was me who knew the colours were clearer and the sun shone brighter because you were in my world.
It was me who loved you like nobody else could or ever would love you.
It was imperfect and often regretful me.
One Minute Snickers
the snickers
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1/3 cup maple syrup
- 1/4 cup coconut oil, liquid
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- 1 cup dry roasted cashews
- 1/2 cup crushed peanuts
the chocolate
- 100 grams dark chocolate, melted
- Place the ingredients for the snickers layer into a bowl and mix to combine. Spoon the mixture into the holes of a mini silicon muffin tray and top each one with a teaspoon of the melted chocolate. Place in the freezer to set.
- Store and eat from either the fridge or freezer.
- Enjoy!
notes – if preferred you can top the snickers with a homemade chocolate by mixing –
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil, liquified
- 4 tablespoons cacao or cocoa
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
If you are enjoying the recipes be sure to check out the books. I hope you find something you love. With thanks, B x