Our family moves around. I’m well experienced at being the new kid. I’m also incredibly fortunate to have close, amazing friends all around Australia.
These exceptional friends have consumed my mind lately. Old friends, who now live far away. The ones who took me under their wing because I was the youngest, the smallest, the silliest. The friends who came next wiped my sleep deprived tears as I cared for my precious newborn with a husband working long days and my family a state away. Now I’m here, and although it has been a long journey I’m feeling settled. I’ve made friends who encourage me to be better then I am, who support me when I want to grow, and who stepped out of their comfort zone to welcome me in. For those who have known me for a lifetime, before my travels begun, you have a place in all of the above.
And now to the smoothie. It is an old familiar favorite, so it ties in beautifully here. I cannot go long without meeting up with this one. It never disappoints, it is simple and flexible and so often just what I need.
Let’s Drink to Friends Smoothie
1 frozen banana
1 cup of frozen grapes
1-2 lebenese cucumbers
small handful of mint
1 cup of water
Blend and enjoy!