To be honest I didn’t expect to write about Juliet’s birth. My birth’s have all been fairly straight forward. Quick, but otherwise uneventful and Juliet’s was no exception.
However, there was one element of Juliet’s birth that made it markedly different to the others and when I think of the day she was born it is this that fills my head and my heart.
Juliet’s birth was filled with uncontrollable emotion. A fear that I had never anticipated consumed me.
Perhaps it was because we were in the same room that I gave birth to my angel baby a year earlier.
Perhaps it was because the birth prior to Juliet’s was so heart wrenching.
I’m really not sure.
What I do know is that I have never felt how I felt when Juliet was leaving my body. I was terrified and I was hurting on every level.
But then I held her.
At that moment I felt a sense of relief beyond anything I can describe.
At that moment I felt a sense of relief so intense that if poured through my eyes and shook my entire body.
At that moment I believed that everything was going to be ok.
Coconut Creams
- 2 rounded tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 x 270ml tin full fat coconut cream that has been stored in the fridge for 24 hours or more
- 2 tablespoons honey*
- 1/2 teaspoon natural concentrated vanilla extract
- Place the coconut oil into a small heat proof bowl and gentle melt if it is not already liquified. Set aside.
- Place the coconut cream, honey and vanilla into a medium sized mixing bowl and beat with hand held beaters until smooth and well combined.
- Continue beating as you slowly drizzle in the coconut oil.
- Beat until smooth and well combined.
- Spoon the mixture into the holes of a silicon tray.
- Place in the freezer to set and to store.
- Eat and enjoy.
*you can use rice malt syrup if you prefer.