My Mum is beautiful.
Growing up I often felt like the ugly duckling as I attempted to squeeze into her clothes or apply her make-up.
Jump ahead 20 years and I have thankfully stopped trying to do my hair, paint my face or dress fashionably. I’ve accepted that I do not take after her in regards to beauty and I’ve embraced the girl that I am.
My Mum is also much more relaxed about these things and when she walks through my door, with her suitcase and Gran hat firmly in place, she leaves her foundation and hair dryer waiting for her back in Victoria.
I realise as she sits across from me in her gym tights and an old t-shirt, with her hair unbrushed and face glowing from nothing more than a hearty chuckle with the kids, that I have never seen her look more beautiful. I realise that with every year that passes, this amazing lady that I’m blessed to call my Mum, looks more stunning than the year that came before.
I no longer think of myself as the ugly duckling, but rather I’m the blessed little girl who happens to be this fabulous ladies favourite daughter!
Coconut and Peanut Butter Cups
- 6 tablespoons peanut butter
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- 2 cups desiccated coconut
- Place the peanut butter, honey and coconut oil into a heat proof bowl and gently heat until the mixture has softened and it easily combines.
- Remove from the heat and mix until smooth.
- Place the desiccated coconut into a medium sized mixing bowl and add the peanut butter mixture. Mix until well combined.
- Press the mixture into the holes of a mini silicon muffin mould and place in the fridge or freezer to set and store.
- Eat and enjoy!