Does anyone else get a sense that things are perhaps going in a not so great direction?
Perhaps it’s because I’m raising girls. Perhaps it’s because I am a girl. Perhaps it’s because everywhere I turn right now someone I love is feeling the need to change their already perfect body.
In every direction I hear from friends, from all different circles, who weigh themselves daily. Who beat themselves up over the cake batter spoons they licked with their children or take-away they shared with their family. These truly gorgeous women feel unhappy simply because the number on the scales isn’t what they believe it should be.
What saddens me the most is that these women are healthy. They feel great and everyone else, including me, thinks they look great.
If only scales measured health and wellbeing.
If only they measured goodness and kindness and compassion.
If only they measured patience and love.
If only they measured the things that really matter, the things that make up a person. Perhaps many women would be getting their day off to a much brighter start.
Health and happiness my loves, let that be the goal and guide. There is no perfect shape and no perfect size. Love who you are and enjoy the choices you make.
You are much more than a number.
Cherry Ripe Jars
the cherry
- 1 frozen banana, chopped
- 1 cup frozen pitted cherries
- 1 tablespoon refrigerated full fat coconut cream
the coconut
- 3 tablespoons refrigerated full fat coconut cream
- 2 teaspoons maple syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla extract
the chocolate
- 2 teaspoons maple syrup
- 2 teaspoons cacao
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil, liquid
- Place the cherry layer into your processor and blend until it resembles ice cream.
- Place the coconut layer into a small bowl and mix to combine.
- Place the chocolate layer into a small bowl and mix to combine.
- Assemble the layers in your jar in whatever order you like.
- Eat and enjoy.
My sponsors, The Source Bulk Foods, sell on tap maple syrup so you are only paying for what you need. The maple syrup is delicious and it is available from any of their stores and also online.