I haven’t written for a while. I haven’t cooked for a while. It seems I have been busy getting nothing done.
It is Saturday night, the kids are tucked in and I just thought “what exactly did I do this week?”
I don’t know the answer but I do know that I am sure glad the past seven days are behind me. It has been one of those weeks. One of those ‘let’s not have another like that’ weeks. One of those ‘bring on the weekend’ weeks. One of those ‘thank goodness it is over’ weeks.
One of those weeks when nothing much has happened and life is just same old, same old. We’ve had nothing to complain about and everything has run smoothly. But my, haven’t we all been cranky! Well, maybe not all of us, but the grown-ups have most certainly had their snappy, defensive, leave me alone hats on.
Right now my husband is getting stuck into beers, I’m overindulging on ice cream and I am feeling confident that a new week will grant us a new beginning. I think we are both ready to drop our guns. At least I hope so; I’m missing my old mate!
3 Ingredient Ice Cream
- 4 cups full fat coconut cream
- 1 cup coconut sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- pinch of salt (optional)
- Place the cream and sugar into a large heavy based saucepan and, stirring frequently, bring to the boil. Leave the mixture at a rolling boil as you continue to stir for five minutes. It should be looking lovely and golden. Turn off the heat and stir through the vanilla and salt if desired.
- Pour the mixture into a silicon loaf tin and place in the freezer to set. I leave it overnight. Once set roughly chop the ice cream and place half of it into your processor. Blend at high speed until it resembles an ice cream consistency. Pour the mixture into whatever container you will be using to store it in, repeat with the remaining half and level the top. Return the ice cream to the freezer to set.
- Serve. Eat. Enjoy!