Brought to you by Stocklands Everyday Ideas
I was recently invited over to the fabulous Stockland Everyday Ideas website to share one of my creations. They were on the hunt for recipes that showcase exactly what they are all about – fresh, seasonal produce that can take your dining experience to a whole new level.
I noted that there was also an underlying ‘secret ingredient’ theme going on.
I love fresh produce and I love ‘secret ingredients’. Anyone who has been following the Wholefood Simply journey since the beginning will know that I am not opposed to adding a little pumpkin to my muffins, sweet potato to my bread and beetroot to my breakfast. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to take part.
I grabbed my all-time favourite secret ingredient, the ever-versatile avocado. It is currently in season and I got a stack of ripe ones at a great price. I headed to my kitchen and grabbed a bowl and a spoon. In no time I had whipped up these simple and truly divine 3 Ingredient Chocolate Truffles.
To say we LOVE them is an understatement. Best of all, they have been thoroughly tested and unanimously approved by many little people and several traditional truffle fanatics.
Be sure to jump over to the Stockland Everyday Ideas page and check them out, I can’t wait to hear what you think! I am confident it will be a recipe you will go back to time and again; for the ease, the elegance and the deliciousness! Enjoy.